
Influencer Marketing: Do’s and Don’ts

Did you know that influencer marketing has become one of the most powerful ways for brands to reach targeted audiences online? Partnering with influencers who have loyal followers in your niche can help boost brand awareness and drive conversions. In fact, recent studies show that influencer marketing yields a ROI of up to $18 for every $1 spent. But the key is partnering with the right influencers and running campaigns strategically based on best practices. Rushing into this space without a plan or vetting influencers thoroughly can actually damage your brand and completely miss the mark with your goals. 

That’s why it’s crucial to have a firm understanding of the do’s and don’ts of influencer marketing before exploring partnerships as part of your digital strategy. By following our recommendations outlined in this article, brands can develop productive relationships with influencers, collaborate on high-quality sponsored content, track campaign performance, and continually optimize their approach. 

Here are some do’s and don’ts to make the most of your campaigns:


  1. Set Clear Goals – Have specific goals like increasing traffic or generating leads, so you can measure campaign performance. Share goals with influencers.
  2. Find Relevant Influencers – Look for influencers in your niche with engaged followers who are likely to be interested in your products/services. Micro-influencers can be very effective.
  3. Establish Campaign Guidelines – Provide influencers with brand guidelines, FTC disclosure guidelines, specifics on deliverables, content guidelines, keywords to include, optimal posting times, etc.
  4. Build Relationships – Get to know influencers you want to work with before partnering and collaborate on campaign ideas together
  5. Track Performance – Use UTM parameters to track traffic, conversions, sales from influencer content. Analyze which influencers deliver the best results.


  1. Expect Sales Right Away – Don’t expect direct sales immediately. Focus on raising awareness at first. Sales may come later.
  2. Ask for Too Much Too Soon – Start with smaller requests rather than demanding lots of posts right away. Let relationships develop.
  3. Overlook Influencer Vetting – Thoroughly vet influencers for fake followers, integrity issues, brand fit. Make sure values align.
  4. Have No Follow-up Plan – Check in during/after campaigns to show appreciation. Offer new ideas for re-partnering in the future.
  5. Disregard Legal Guidelines – Understand FTC rules around sponsored content disclosures and follow all applicable laws.

As you can see, executing an effective influencer marketing strategy requires careful planning, relationship building, performance analysis, and legal compliance. While extremely beneficial, going at it alone can be challenging for brands without the right expertise. That’s where working with the right digital marketing partner like MSM Digital can make all the difference.

Don’t leave the power of influencer marketing untapped. Partner with the experts at MSM Digital to leverage influencers and drive real results for your brand this year. Contact us today to get started!